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HOPE Sheds Light 10th Anniversary

It’s been 10 years of growth and spreading awareness. Ten years of embracing multiple pathways to recovery. Ten years of building HOPE for a better tomorrow.

As we celebrate the last decade of HOPE Sheds Light (HSL), we are grateful for each person who stood by us. The impact is great and measurable.

Since our inception, we have had 717 family meeting attendees, 3,211 helpline calls, 74 online chats, 73 individuals who received sober living assistance and 97 youth served.

As we continue on this beautiful journey, we look to a future filled with hope and even greater impact, but we need your support. Please consider becoming HOPE Sheds Light’s 10-Year Anniversary Sponsor with a gift of $7,500 or join our Circle of Hope.

Together we can make an impact in the community.

Thank you for always choosing HOPE.

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HOPE Sheds Light